Changing an employee's status from "Active" to "Inactive", "LOA", or "Terminated" is an efficient way of organizing employees that are no longer considered "Active" within a database. Changing an employee to a status other than Active also disables their access to the system, as well as removes their ability to be scheduled in future pay periods. Updating employee status is the highly recommended alternative to deleting employees from your system. Deleting employees results in critical loss of historical data and permanently removes your access to that employee's profile.
Important things to note:
While the option to delete an employee profile does exist, we highly recommend that they are not deleted. The data that is listed in the employee profile is not stored anywhere else. The 'Manage Employees' module is the only place in the software that houses this information, it's not backed up anywhere else. Once an employee profile is deleted, the information listed in it is deleted as well. Also, not all users will have access to the 'Manage Employees' modules, this is a 'User Group' setting which can be modified.
Getting Started:
To begin, we will navigate to Employees > Manage Employees. This will bring you directly to the Manage Employees Screen. From here, you can select the employee whose status you wish to update.
Selecting an employee will bring up their employee profile. You can find their status directly beneath their Employee ID.
Definitions of statuses other than Active are largely determined by individual organizations, but here is a quick definition guide explaining each term's general use.
- 'Active' is the default for all employees. It designates that the employee is still employed within your organization and has access to your database.
- 'LOA' is used when an employee is on a leave of absence for any reason. Under the 'Notes & Documents' section, you're able to add more information. Setting an employee to 'LOA,' won't let the employee log into your database until they are set back to an 'Active' status by an administrator.
- 'InActive' can be used to your discretion but in most cases it is used if an employee is suspended. This can also be used if an employee shouldn't have access to your database.
- 'Terminated' will be used when an employee is fired or terminated from your organization.
- 'Quarantined' employees
Important things to note:
Setting an employee to any status other than Active automatically removes their ability to log in to Scheduling.
Once you have updated their status, you'll be brought to the "Clear After Date" page. If you need to remove the employee from any schedule items, fill in the date and hit the red "Clear Schedule" button. The employee will be removed from any schedule items starting after the date you specify. For example, if you choose to clear them after 3/21/2019, the employee will be removed from the schedule starting on 3/22/2019.
Locating LOA, Inactive, or Terminated Employees:
Unlike deleting an employee, which permanently removes them from your system, you still have access to employees with an LOA, Inactive, or Terminated status. If you need to view their profile or even update them back to an Active status, you can do so by changing the Filter List on the Manage Employees screen from "Active" to "LOA", "Inactive", "Terminated", or "All", as depicted in the example below.
User Groups:
In the 'User Groups' menu under Administrator > User Groups. You are able to completely remove the 'Delete' option from the Employee Profile for specific User Groups to prevent future errors.
In the event that an employee profile is deleted, please contact Support.
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