The Work Groups tool provides the ability to manage schedule related email notifications, attendance visibility, and/or work group filtering.
Using Work Groups for schedule related notifications, gives you the ability to have notifications sent to direct supervisors or group leads.
Important things to note:
The Cost Center and District fields are used only for Enterprise Work Groups which are not addressed in this support article.
Getting Started:
To begin adding or editing Work Groups in your system, you will navigate to Administrator > Work Groups.
This will bring you to the Manage Work Groups page. From here you will enter the name of your new work group and click the green 'Add' button.
Once you have added the group, you will see it listed as a set of blue hyperlink options. To edit the group or add employees, you will click on the blue hyperlink of the work group name.
- The 'Assigned Managers' option allows you to add supervisors / managers to the work group. Users listed in this category of the work group will receive scheduling notifications if set to this option in your Message Center.
- The 'Cost Center' option is used for Enterprise work groups only. For more information on Enterprise, please contact a support or sales person for details.
- The 'District' option is used for Enterprise work groups only. For more information on Enterprise, please contact a support or sales person for details.
- The 'Employee List' option allows you to add users to a work group. These users will have their scheduling notifications sent to the users listed in the 'Assigned Employees' column.
- The 'Rename' option allows you to rename your work groups anytime you need.
- The 'Delete' option allows you to permanently delete a work group.
- The 'Back to Summary' option takes you back to the main work groups page.
This will take you to a page where you can make various edits. To change the name of a work group, enter the new name of the group and click the green 'Rename' button.
To begin adding your supervisors / managers to the group, you will click on the blue 'Assigned Managers' link.
This will open a window allowing you to choose employees from your active list, you will then click on the green 'Add' button to make them Assigned Managers.
To begin adding employees to the group you will click on the blue 'Employee List' link.
This will open a window allowing you to move employees back and forth from the 'All' and 'Group Members' columns. To do this you will use the green and red arrow buttons in the middle. For companies with large numbers of employees, the list can also be filtered using the 'Home Cost Center' drown down option.
Once you have finished moving employees to their designated columns, you will click the grey 'Close' button.
Now that your work groups have been created, you can see a more detailed view from the main page by choosing the Details 'On' radio button.
This shows the list of 'Assigned Managers' for each work group.
To update the position of the groups in the list, you will use the up and down arrows in the Manage column. To permanently delete a work group, click the red 'X' under the manage column.
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