There are notifications for just about every tool in ePro Scheduler Plus. If you are't getting a notification about something, it's possible it just needs to be updated. The below article will provide you with the location of each notification page in your database.
Important things to note:
You may not have access to all the pages listed below depending on what Plus Tools you are currently subscribed to or your user permissions / access. If you're unsure, just reach out to our support team for assistance or clarification.
Scheduler Notifications:
Message Center > Configure Msg Center > Messaging Defaults
Updating the Scheduler EMail Address fields will allow notifications about shift pick ups and time off requests to go out to the email listed.
Scheduler Notifications through work groups:
Administrator > Work Groups
Selecting the 'Send Messages to Supervisors' option will send out scheduling notifications based on the work group set up.
Timekeeping Notifications:
ePro Scheduler > Timekeeping > Configure Timekeeping
Adding an email and associated cost center will send a notification regarding late / early punches to the email listed depending on the cost center. There is also an option to disable these notifications based on cost center as well.
Attendance Infractions:
Employee Attendance Infraction Notifications:
ePro Scheduler > Timekeeping > Attendance > Cost Center Notifications
In order to be notified once an employee reaches a certain infraction threshold, you will need to add the email address and the Cost Center associated, you will then click the green 'Add' button.
Employee Requests:
Employee Demographic Change Requests:
Employees > Configure Employees > General Setup
To get a notification for demographic change requests, you will select 'Yes' and then add the emails separated by semicolons.
Employee Certification Update Requests/Expiring Employee Certification Notifications:
Employees > Configure Employees > Expiration Notifications By Cost Center
To receive a nightly notification for any pending certification update requests, you can add an email to the 'Cert Request Email' field. To receive a nightly report on certification status based on cost center, you will add an email under the 'Setup Cost Center Notifications' section.
Field Location:
Field Location Certification Expiration Notifications:
Field Locations > Configure Locations > Expiration Notifications By Cost Center
To get a notification when a field location certification is expiring, add an email tot he 'Setup Cost Center Notifications' field.
ePro Inventory Request/New PO Notifications:
Inventory > Configure Inventory > General Setup > Email Notification Setup
For Notifications about new PO submissions and requests, you will update the following fields separated by semicolons.
- The 'Request Notification Email' text box allows you to enter an email for receiving inventory requests.
- The 'Send From Self Service' radio button allows you to send the supply request from the Self Service.
- The 'Send From Manager' radio button allows you to send the inventory supply request from the admin pages.
- The 'New PO Notification Email' text box allows you to enter an email for receiving notifications when a new PO is created.
ePro ConEd:
ePro ConEd Online Course Completion Notifications:
ePro ConEd > Configure ConEd > Continuing Education Setup > Online Course Completion Notification
To be alerted about completed courses by cost center, you will update the email and cost center.
ePro Fleet:
ePro Fleet Certification Expiration Notifications:
ePro Fleet > Configure Fleet > General > Expiration Notifications By Cost Center
To receive notifications for expiring Fleet certifications, you will submit an email under the 'Setup Notifications' section.
ePro Fleet Problem Report/Vehicle Checklist Notifications:
ePro Fleet > Configure Fleet > Vehicle Manager Setup > General Configuration Setup
To be alerted when Problem Reports or Checklists have been submitted, update the below fields with the email addresses separated by semicolons.
ePro Tracker:
ePro Tracker Notification Type Setup:
ePro Tracker > Configure ePro Tracker > System Configuration
This menu allows you to configure how notifications should be handled for ePro Tracker.
ePro Tracker Pending/Processing Notification Setup:
ePro Tracker > Configure ePro Tracker > Notifications Setup
To get notifications about Incident Reports that have been Pending / Processing for x number of days, you will fill out the form below.
ePro Tracker New Report Notifications Setup:
ePro Tracker > Configure ePro Tracker > Management Group Setup
To receive notifications when a new report has been submitted based on the form type, you will add and update the management groups below.
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