Anytime you have several users in a system all making changes and updates, the ability to check back on the actions taken becomes invaluable when troubleshooting or investigating. We provide you with the ability to search through all actions taken in the system with the transaction log.
Important things to note:
Most actions are tracked in the system, however not every detail about the action is always tracked. For example, some employee profile changes are detailed, while others are not.
Getting Started:
First navigate to Administrator > Transaction Logs. Here you will see several search options depending on your needs.
- The 'Employee' radio button provides you with a drop down menu where you can select a specific employee you would like to see transactions for.
- The 'Text Search' radio button allows you to enter a key word or exact phrase to search for.
- The 'Function' radio button provides you with a drop down menu where you can select the specific section of the system you are needing more information about.
- The 'No Filter' radio button allows you to see all transactions taken during a date span.
- The 'Max Transactions' field allows you to set a limit to the number of results the system provides.
- The 'Output Format' radio buttons allow you to export a document with the listed transactions based on your search criteria.
To view all actions taken by a specific user, you will select the 'Employee' radio button and then choose them from the 'Employee' drop down menu.
To search for a keyword, you will select the 'Text Search' radio button and then enter your keyword or phrase.
To view all actions taken for a specific part of the software, you will select the 'Function' radio button and then choose the category from the 'Function' drop down.
If you would like to export the transaction, you can do this by selecting the radio button for a specific 'Output Format'. This will automatically download either a PDF or Excel file of the log to your desktop or device.
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