Installing a time clock with our Timekeeping software and only takes about 5 minutes to set to ensure that your employees will be able to clock in and out of their shifts with ease.
Important things to note:
If you already have your time clocks installed but are encountering an issue, please contact our support team so that we can further assist.
Getting Started:
First, you will need to access the ESO Scheduler from the physical location/device where you would like to install the time clock. You will then navigate to ESO Scheduler > Timekeeping > Manage Time Clocks. From here you have access to add one of four types of time clocks: IP address, and Location Based.
- The 'Time Clock Name' field allows you to name the time clock. This will display with the employee punch record allowing you to track where an employee is punching in or out.
- The 'Clock Type' drop down menu allows you to select the time clock type setup. This will be either IP, or Location Based.
- The 'IP Address' field is where you will enter the IP address if you select this time clock type.
- The 'Location Based' field is where you will enter the IP address if you select this time clock type.
- The 'Time Zone' drop down menu allows you to select the time zone for the time clock
- The 'Enabled' check box will determine if the time clock can be accessed or not.
- The 'This Computer's IP Address' field will display the IP Address for your current location/device.
IP Address Setup:
An IP address is a temporary name and address a device is given when it joins a network. Depending on your network, the IP Address might be shared with more than one device. This means several computers would have the same IP address and the time clock would be available at each of those locations/devices. However, this type of time clock can be accessed by any web browser.
- First, type a name for your clock and select "IP Address" as the Clock Type.
- Then, type your IP Address; note that the IP address for the computer you are currently on is displayed on this page in blue, so you can copy and paste it into the IP Address box.
- Then, select a Time Zone. Last, check the "Enabled" box, and click Add.
Location Setup:
Now you can set the radius for the time clock that determines the area that will allow access to the time clock to clock in and out. The distance can be in feet or meters. (1 m = 3.28 ft; 1 ft = 0.0305 m)
Select the time zone that corresponds to the time zone for the time clock's location.
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