The Operations Log was designed to give people a quick view of the Shifts, Special Events, Employees with Time Off, Vehicle information, and any special updates that pertain to that day.
Important things to note:
Only the Shifts, Special Events, Time Off, and Vehicle Information will auto fill for the day. All other information will have to manually updated daily.
The 'Vehicle Information' fields pull their data from the ePro Fleet Module. If you have any questions about or interest in Fleet, please contact Support.
Getting Started:
To begin editing Schedule Items please go to Scheduling > Operations Log.
From here you will be able to update any important notes for the day, as well as look at all the AM and PM shifts, Special Event and approved Time Off for the day. You will also be able to see how many active vehicles you have running that day, Fleet mileage alerts, open maintenance tickets, and open Problem Reports.
- The 'Manage' link will take you to where you can update the fields that do not auto populate.
- The 'Date' field is for selecting the date you are wanting to view the Operations Log for. It will default to the current date when you first open the Operations Log.
- The 'Cost Ctr' drop down allows you filter the information by Cost Center.
- The 'District' drop down gives you the ability to view the information based on a specific District. (This drop down is only view-able if you have District Filtering turned on. If you have any questions over the District filtering please contact Support.)
- The 'Query' button searches based on the parameters you have set.
To update fields the fields with will click on the 'Manage' link.
This will take you to the Manage Operations Log page where you can update the 'Operational Notes', 'Weather', 'Safety Message', 'Field Operations', 'Special Messages', 'Special Events', 'Equipment/BioMed Alerts' and 'Hospital Status' fields on the main page. Once you have made your updates click on the green 'Save' button to save the fields.
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