The Best Fit Window provides the ability to page out open shifts to any employee that is available / not currently on the schedule and is qualified for the role. The tool also allows you to manage the overtime of your employees by showing you a list of employees that can work a shift and sorting that list based on how many hours they currently have for the week.
Important things to note:
You may notice some columns are not available in your database when viewing the Best Fit Window. If that is the case and you would like to have it enabled, please contact support for assistance.
Getting Started:
To using this tool you will navigate to either the Schedule Views or Schedule Worksheet. For our walk through, we will be using Schedule Worksheet. You can find this page by navigating to ESO Scheduler > Scheduling > Schedule Worksheet.
Next click on the people icon beside the open shift you would like to page out to your employees.
This will open the Best Fit Window, and allow you to 'Query Available Employees' to view a list of employees not currently working and who are qualified for the open shift.
- The 'Cost Center' drop down allows you to sort available employees by their specific Cost Center.
- The 'Availability' drop down allows you to pull up employees based on their submitted availability.
- The 'Show All' check box allows you to view all available employees.
- The 'Show Employees with Conflicts' check box allows you to view employees including those with schedule conflicts.
- The 'Page Out By' radio buttons allows you to send out a message via Text, Email, or both.
- The 'To' radio buttons check or un-check employees based on their hire status.
- The 'Send' button sends a message to the selected employees.
Once you have the employees available to work the open shift pulled up, you will see they ranked in the list by number of hours. The employees with the most hours already scheduled that week will be at the bottom of the list.
- The 'FT/PT' column lists if the employee is full time or part time.
- The 'Hours' column displays the number of hours an employee is currently scheduled for that week.
- The 'Send' column shows what methods of communication are available for the employee. A blue asterisk indicates the employee has a mobile device available. A green asterisks indicates an email address is available.
- The 'Availability' column will display the employees' availability for that specific date, if submitted.
Once you have selected which employees you would like to offer the open shift to, you will click the green 'Send' button. This opens a box that allows you to type out any text messages that you would like in regard to the open shift. Once you have filled this out, you will click the green 'Send' button.
Direct Response Enabled:
If you would like the open shift messages to be interactive, allowing the employee to pick up the shift directly from their phone or email, you can do this using Direct Response.
To check if you have Direct Response enabled, or to update your settings to enable it, you will navigate to ESO Scheduler > Scheduler Admin > Configure Scheduling. You will scroll to the 'Employee Shift Pickup Request Settings' section to update / enable these settings.
Once enabled, the employee will have the ability to accept shifts that are paged out to them through the Best Fit Window. Click the link via email or text message for more information.
If the employee chooses to pick up the shift, they may enter a comment and then click the red 'Submit Request' button. The page will then show a pending status until the shift pick up is approved or denied.
Once a manager / scheduler approves or denies the request, the employee will receive an updated text/email, and see an updated direct response page.
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